Voodoo Dancer Releases “Forever Girl”

With the Eric Kupper Club remix of Forever Girl already going down a storm with DJs and clubbers in the hottest spots across the UK, Europe and the world, the stylish New York soul / pop collective Voodoo Dancer have released the mainstream radio mix of the wonderfully catchy Forever Girl.

Voodoo Dancer are a pretty secretive and mysterious bunch of musicians with their identities very much hidden from the world.  Refreshingly they are a band that just wants to let their music speak for itself.  They combine straight up pop with a classy soul vibe, reminiscent of such 80s luminaries as the Blow Monkeys and Spandau Ballet.

Forever Girl is supported by a truly hypnotic video, which has been produced and directed by Fovea Films’ renowned film maker Graham Elliott.  The video is a wonderfully eclectic collection of eye-catching animation and imagery that sits perfectly with the pop / soul tone of the record.

 Purchase on iTunes

Voodoo Dancer Website

Voodoo Dancer Twitter

Voodoo Dancer Facebook


For more information, mp3s or interview requests, please contact Ellis on
07813 984517 or ellis@limejampr.co.uk


May 27, 2016 6:56am ET by Lime Jam PR  

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  Shortlink to this content: http://bit.ly/1qO5Tl5


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