Link Up TV

Brief Description:

Online channel. No.1 For Talent & Entertainment.

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Country: United Kingdom

Official Website:

About Company

Establishing itself as a leading broadcaster of music and entertainment, the team of videographers, editors and writers have created and developed a brand; a brand which is now recognised as one of the best platforms for rising talent to develop. With a host of artists to have featured on the various facets of LinkUpTV, such as our hit freestyle series, “Behind Barz” or our “Live Sessions” , our collective efforts have helped shine a light on prospective youngsters across the country.

We are dedicated to bringing you the very best in youth culture; that is: talent & amp; entertainment, music, live performances and behind the scenes access. As such, Link UpTV, by definition, is an online media channel. However, we aim to set the benchmark for quality productions.


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