BBC celebrates the inventions across England that have changed our lives in a series of regional doc

The extraordinary contribution England has made to modern scientific discoveries will be explored in a series of programmes on BBC One.

Invented In England will air on June 23 on BBC One English Regions and BBC One.

BBC English Regions will screen 11 regional documentaries celebrating inventors from across the country and their life changing inventions.

Part of the BBC’s Tomorrow’s World season of science and technology programming, each episode looks at a different region and explores a theme relevant to that place, tracing the history of ideas from past to present. The 11 films will be presented by a series of science and technology experts including Suzi Perry, space scientist Maggie Aderin-Pocock and Brendan Walker.

Stuart Thomas, Head of English Regions Programming, says: “BBC English Regions' Invented In England is an opportunity to celebrate unsung innovators and the creativity of people in every corner of the country. These stories of invention give us a fascinating insight into how an idea becomes a reality that makes a difference to our lives and can even sometimes change the world.”

The Invented In England series will air on June 23 at 7.30pm in each of the BBC English regions.

To find out more about inventions from across the UK visit


Invented In London presented by Suzi Perry

Motorsports correspondent Perry looks at how the invention of the world's first computer - and the legacy of the first ever programmer - led to a technology revolution. Produced by Button Down, the programme explores multi-million pound apps, meets bedroom hackers and showcases artificial intelligence and an array of works of art.

Invented In The Midlands presented by Brendan Walker

Brendan Walker is an engineer and one of the regular presenters on BBC Two’s Coast. He tells the story of the little-known Midlanders who pioneered eco-transportation over 100 years ago with an electric car and looks at the 21st Century innovators who are following in their footsteps. Made by Gosh! TV.

Invented In The South presented by Rob Bell

Made by Athena Films Ltd, presenter Rob Bell reveals the stories behind the inventions that have changed sport forever in the case of the lawnmower; made it fairer with the invention of Hawkeye and made a dangerous sport safer with radical improvements to wingsuits. Rob also meets a dad whose yachting inventions have made the impossible possible for his remarkable daughter.

Invented In The South East presented by Dr Shini Somara

From the one-way communication of the television screen to the two-way conversation of online-shopping and the three-dimensional experience of virtual reality, our relationship with technology has become more personal and the South East region has been a hub for that change. Made by Factory Films Ltd

Invented In The East presented by Aarathi Prasad

Aarathi Prasad discovers the 19th Century eccentric who designed lifesaving apparatus that is still used today. She also find out how the hovercraft was conceived on a stately Suffolk estate and meets a husband and wife team who build unique flood protection barriers in a Norfolk blacksmith’s forge. Finally she visits an inventor in Essex who makes dirty water safe to drink. Made by Eye Film and Television.

Invented In The North East presented by Dominic Wilcox

In a programme produced by Alan Fentiman, Sunderland-born designer Dominic Wilcox celebrates the North East innovators past and present who have changed the way we travel. His journey will look at everything from the windscreen wiper to illuminated lollipops and even GPS shoes!

Invented In Cornwall presented by Professor Lucie Green

From Marconi and the invention of the telegram to the web, Prof Green explores how technology developed in Cornwall has made instant communication across vast distances possible. Made by De Facto Films.

Invented In The North West presented by Professor Danielle George

Prof George will look at how inventors of the North West have pioneered defence on air, land and sea. Made by Saffron Cherry TV, the programme features steam powered submarines, magnificent women in their flying machines and an invention that helped us to win the Battle of Britain.

Invented In The West Country presented by Kate Grey

In a programme produced by Grace Productions, Paralympian swimmer Kate explores the world of prosthetic inventors. Kate has recently taken up cycling and needs a new limb so tries out the latest 3D-printed bionics being pioneered by West Country inventors at Open Bionics and compares them to the first prosthetics manufactured by Chard shoemaker James Gillingham 150 years ago.

Invented In The East Midlands presented by Maggie Aderin-Pocock

Space scientist Maggie looks at how fabrics invented in the East Midlands have changed our lives. Made by Jig Jog Media, this programme will look at Arkwright’s machine and a cloth that can measure your heart beat and help you swim faster.

Invented In The North presented by Marty Jopson

Marty Jopson will tell the incredible 200-year story of how Yorkshire and Lincolnshire inventions have helped us to conquer the skies, and pays tribute to the forgotten pioneers from the region who made flight possible. Made by Screenhouse Productions Ltd.

May 31, 2017 11:19am ET by BBC One  

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