Interview with Chris Carey, Producer of Les Misérables

Les Misérables Andrew Davies' six-part adaptation of Victor Hugo's classic 19th century novel, for BBC One

Les Misérables Sunday 30th December 9pm on BBC One



Tell us about the story of Les Misérables
It’s an epic story set on a huge scale in a period of history which happens to be 1815 to 1832 in France but could relate to any story of the underclass in any period, including today.

Tell us about the casting of the characters.
To land Dominic West in this role was an incredible thrill, he’s been one of my favourite actors for years and he embodies the qualities of what Jean Valjean needs to be.

David Oyelowo is in the role as Javert, as the nemesis and the other half of the cat-and-mouse game. He is one of the world’s greatest actors and hasn’t been in a UK television series for many years. It’s been sensational to watch him bring this complex character to life over six episodes.

Lily Collins is in the iconic role of Fantine. Her death is one of the most celebrated in literary history and requires an actress of extreme talent and bravery to pull it off. Lily has put herself out there in the most extraordinary way. Olivia Colman and Adeel Akhtar are two of the countries favourite actors and they wanted to play the Thénardiers which is an enormous testament to Andrew’s writing and the power of Victor Hugo’s story.

Tell us about Andrew Davies’ scripts
Andrew manages to find the light amongst the dark drama and entertain us. He’s an extremely mischievous, playful, witty soul which is reflected in his writing and I’m sure that’s why people respond so positively to his work, it’s a celebration of life regardless of what he is writing about. It’s a real, unique, talent. Hopefully we have served his material well.

Source BBC One

December 24, 2018 12:00pm ET by BBC One  


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