BBC acquires new Australian mystery thriller inspired by true events, "High Country"A fictional story inspired by true events, High Country is an eight-part thriller that revolves around detective Andrea (Andie) Whitford"With its eerie setting and tense atmosphere, High Country is a gripping new take on Australian rural noir.:" — Sue Deeks, Head of BBC Programme AcquisitionPHOTO: Narelle Portanier (Image:Curio Pictures)OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASENEWS PROVIDED BY BBC iPlayer June 10, 2024 - The BBC has acquired the gripping new Australian mystery series High Country for BBC iPlayer and TV channels, from Curio Pictures and Sony Pictures Television. A fictional story inspired by true events, High Country is an eight-part thriller that revolves around detective Andrea (Andie) Whitford, who is transferred to the Victorian High Country and thrust into a baffling mystery of five missing persons who have vanished into the wilderness. Through an edge-of-the-seat, high-stakes investigation, Andie uncovers a complex web involving murder, deceit and revenge. The series stars Leah Purcell (Wentworth, Drover’s Wife: The Legend of Molly Johnson), Ian McElhinney (Game of Thrones, Derry Girls), Sara Wiseman (Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, A Place to Call Home) and Aaron Pedersen (Mystery Road, Jack Irish). Sue Deeks, Head of BBC Programme Acquisition, says: ‘With its eerie setting and tense atmosphere, High Country is a gripping new take on Australian rural noir’. High Country is produced by Curio Pictures, a wholly owned subsidiary of Sony Pictures Television (SPT), worldwide distributor for the series, in association with Rage Media. Created by Marcia Gardner and John Ridley. Executive Producers are Jo Porter and Rachel Gardner (Curio Pictures), Lana Greenhalgh and Penny Win (Foxtel Group), Marcia Gardner and John Ridley (Rage Media), with Producers Pino Amenta and Sue Edwards.
Source BBC iPlayer
June 10, 2024 7:00am ET by BBC iPlayer |