British people are more united than divided in their values reveals new Channel 4 study

People are 3.6 x more likely to agree with a stranger than disagree

Young people are the most different in their attitudes

5+ are the most aligned in their attitudes


Channel 4

• Those who are pro-EU and those who are anti-EU have an 83% similarity in the extent of their attitudes

• New research released by Channel 4 today reveals that despite a general feeling of division within the UK we are actually much more united in our values than we may think.

The in-depth research project conducted in partnership with research agency Versiti examined modern Britain to help brands better understand UK consumers.

The study reveals you are 3.6 times more likely to agree with a stranger on the street than disagree, and we are only divided on around 1 in 10 issues, many of which are not of vital importance (i.e. grocery shopping, listening to ‘new’ bands, being career-driven).

When it comes to alignment of attitude amongst certain age groups, the study found young people are the most diverse in their attitudes and the least likely to agree with each other, whereas the 55+ age group is the most aligned in their attitudes. This finding makes it more challenging for marketers to predict the attitudes of the 15-24s vs the over 55’s.

Furthermore, the youngest and oldest cohorts are the most different in their attitudes, with only an 18% similarity in the extent of their agreement. But despite this, they are only genuinely divided disagreeing with each other 23% of the time.

The study also finds that division happens when people are forced to choose a side, an example being the Brexit referendum. However, even when it comes to Brexit those who are pro-EU and those who are anti-EU have an 83% similarity in the extent of their attitudes.

In terms of issues on which people agree and disagree the most, the study found:

• Of the 50 things people agree on the most – half are to do with our values and beliefs: ethics, politics, society and lifestyle

• Of the 50 things people agree on the least – more than half are to do with our tastes and opinions: media consumption, shopping and retail, leisure, and clothing.

• Five of the top 20 statements people agree on most are to do with gender roles and how outdated they are.

• When it comes to societal issues the study showed there is far more unity than division, especially across big issues such as diversity, equality and the environment. Furthermore, Britain is aligned on its desire for fairness, although sometimes there are differences in how best to achieve it.

Clare Peters, Client Strategy & Comms Partner, Channel 4 said: “At Channel 4 we strive to develop research which helps brands better understand their customers and how to navigate different views and opinions. This deep-dive into the current state of the nation clearly indicates there is a role for brands to play in important societal topics, and that we are more united in our views than we may think. This research empowers brands to be part of this conversation and shows how to help consumers make better choices for themselves, society as a whole and the planet”.


Notes to editors


The research is based on a multi-stage multi-methodology research approach including both qualitative and quantitative data.

Quantitative elements included analysis of Kantar’s TGI dataset of 465 attitudinal statements with a sample of 24,000 people conducted in house by Channel 4 and a new bespoke survey of 2,000 people, conducted by our research partner Versiti (investigating consumer priorities and preferences in relation to societal issues).

The qualitative research involved 20 one hour one to one interviews with 20 planning and strategy specialists from brands and agencies to understand brand priorities and a 2-week online
community with 20 families both conducted by Versiti. A further 10 three hour in-home one on one filmed interviews were conducted by Voxpops International. Both qualitative elements deployed an extreme variation sampling methodology to recruit participants.

Fieldwork dates: Kantar TGI Analysis, December 2021 (Nov ‘20-Oct ’21). Versiti online community, 11-20th August 2021. Versiti consumer survey, 29th Nov – 5th Dec 2021. Voxpops International Interviews, 8th Dec ‘21– 13th Jan ’22.

Source Channel 4

March 29, 2022 9:00am ET by Channel 4  


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