Thursday, October 7, 2010 3:21am ET by Ellie Goulding
Madonna’s doc advises GouldingEllie Goulding says her voice is stronger than ever after following strict orders from Madonna’s doctor to lay off the booze. The 23-year-old singer fell ill in New York recently and was instructed to see vocal expert Scott Kessler, a vocal expert to the stars. Goulding was told to avoid anything that could cause acid reflux. However, this wasn’t confined to just booze, the list also included smoking, curries and even chewing gum. Speaking of her New York ordeal, she said: "When I was in New York, I was really ill. I burst loads of blood vessels in my ear because I was blowing so much, I was all blocked up." However, the ‘Starry-eyed’ singer is back on the mend and more than happy with her new regime. I have noticed already that just having a good diet and not smoking or drinking has made my vocal cords so much stronger," she said. Watch Ellie Goulding’s 'Starry Eyed' music video below:
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