LET THE HUNGER GAMES BEGIN! *** Special launch activity & 'reapings' in 12 HMV 'district' stores on Sun 2nd SepTo win film premiere tickets and the chance to buy the HMV exclusive 3 disc double play steelbook a day early Ÿ HMV selects 12 'District' stores to host a 'Reaping' on Sun 2nd Sept to celebrate the DVD, Blu-ray and Digital Download release of The Hunger Games. Ÿ Fans checking-in via Foursquare have a chance to win prizes and a pair of tickets to the UK premiere of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. Ÿ Culminating in national 'Capitol' live reaping at 3pm
London, UK, 29th August 2012 - Monday 3rd September sees the release of the phenomenally successful film, The Hunger Games on 2-disc DVD, 2-disc Blu-Ray, TVOD and digital download formats (see Notes to Editors for full details). In tribute to the science fiction blockbuster, twelve HMV stores around the UK and Ireland have been selected to act as special regional 'districts' on Sunday, 2nd September - the day before release. Fans of The Hunger Games who visit one of the 12 participating stores on Sunday 2nd between 2pm and 3pm can check into the applicable HMV store's Foursquare account. They will then be automatically entered into a regional 'Reaping' whereby two names or 'Tributes' from each District will be put forward for a very special Reaping taking place in 'The Capitol' the same day - at HMV's Oxford Street store. In the Oxford Street store, a 'Capitol Representative' will conduct a live Reaping after 3pm. They will select names from two fish bowls, just like in the film. The first name will be taken from a bowl holding the names of the 24 Regional District winners. The second name will be taken from a bowl holding all the names of attendees at Oxford Street branch. These two lucky Tributes will each win a pair or tickets to UK premiere of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire - the next instalment of the series. Although only a select few can be chosen as Tributes to battle for the ultimate prize, 100 lucky attendees at each store will have the opportunity to purchase the HMV exclusive 3 disc double play steelbook a full day ahead of the national release. In additional the 24 regional tributes will each receive a The Hunger Games goody bag. Participating HMV 'District' stores: 1. hmv Glasgow, 235 Buchanan Street
August 29, 2012 12:54pm ET by HMV
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