German artist and music producer VELVE releases album 'X To The Million' complete with video art


Matrix Promotions

Singer and music producer VELVE is also famously known in her native land as the German voice behind Apple’s SIRI. A child musical prodigy Velve developed and fine-tuned her sound and soon started attracting industry attention and in 2016 was signed to British Publishing Company, Bosworth Music. The new album ‘X TO THE MILLION’ was fully composed, written, mixed and produced entirely by VELVE and is available now on all download and streaming platforms.

VELVE grew up in an artistic household amongst the cool ‘Kraftwerk’ scene in Dusseldorf and started singing on stage from the age of 3 whilst also receiving intense singing and piano lessons. At the age of 18, attracted by the media scene, she embarked on a fledgling career as an ads writer and journalist, later becoming an actor and musician and guest singer for artists such as Brandt Brauer Frick, Miss Kittin and Pole. Later, she started to produce her own music which resulted in a Platinum Award for her collaboration with German act ‘Deichkind’ and in 2017, songs from her second album ‘GYNOID’ were licensed for Fashion Week Vienna. Her album’ ‘THE BODILESS SERIES’ and her recordings to date, including the new album, have all been masterminded solely by her: the writing, the music, mixing and production.

Her new IDM-/ electropop-album ‘X TO THE MILLION’ is made up of fifteen tracks of ambient and acid sounds that float over a deep, bass driven groove, playing with vintage rave patterns, embedded in easily accessible pop song structures and performed with the multi-faceted and charismatic voice of VELVE , presenting a very unique style that is both intense and addictive. No snare, kick, bass or synth is ever repeated, each track has its individual sound vocabulary.

The title ‘X TO THE MILLION’ as a title is pretty deep too: in a mathematical sense it deals with the potential of the placeholder ‘X’, that stands for a ‘thought’ from which a whole universe can be created. The idea from that is, as VLEVE says: “…when we all have kind thoughts they will multiply and manifest in reality. Until now recklessness and aggression have ruled our world. You can’t ignore what this has done to our planet. The album deals with the necessary changes in politics and society."

VELVE also conceived the album as an audio-visual work of art with a live performance accompanied by 3 D video arts. Dystopian motifs in black and white shot by drones are contrasted by fluid 3 D-shapes in colour which morph and multiply playfully – as a metaphor for new ideas and chances. You see abandoned streets and locked down houses displaying last human traces from the perspective of aliens watching our destroyed planet – an apocalyptic setting as it couldn’t be more up to date.

If that doesn’t portray the anxiety of our ‘Zeitgeist’ then nothing will.

April 30, 2020 4:22pm ET by Matrix Promotions  

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