"Into the Fire: The Lost Daughter," produced by Charlize Theron, arrives on Netflix Sept. 12, 2024
In this two-part documentary, a tenacious mother unravels the complex mystery surrounding the 1989 disappearance of the daughter she placed for adoption.OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASENEWS PROVIDED BY Netflix, Inc. Published: August 15, 2024 -- A mother discovers the daughter she gave up for adoption many years ago has disappeared - and she will stop at nothing to find her. INTO THE FIRE: THE LOST DAUGHTER, directed by Ryan White and produced by Charlize Theron, comes to Netflix September 12. In April 2010, Cathy Terkanian received a letter that would change her life forever. It was written by a social worker, who explained that the daughter Terkanian had given up for adoption 35 years prior had disappeared from her adoptive home in 1989. Driven by a need for answers, Terkanian enlisted the help of an amateur sleuth and local authorities and embarked on a 10-year quest to uncover what happened to her child. Into the Fire: The Lost Daughter chronicles that quest, diving into the shadowy depths of a chilling true-crime story that feels almost impossible to believe. At the center of this labyrinthine tale, however, is the unbreakable bond between mother and child — and the power of maternal instinct across space and time. Directed and produced by Ryan White (Pamela, a love story, The Keepers), Into the Fire: The Lost Daughter is also produced by Jessica Hargrave, Matt Maher, and Charlize Theron. According to White, it was Theron who incepted the project after reading Nile Cappello’s masterful, unflinching reporting on the story in The Atavist and reaching out to White’s team. About