New comedy series The Franchise debuts in the U.K. on October 21 on Sky & NOWFollowing its U.S. premiere on HBO on October 6, 2024
OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASENEWS PROVIDED BY SKY Published: September 9, 2024 -- Comedy series, The Franchise, will debut Monday, October 21 on Sky and NOW. The series follows the crew of an unloved franchise movie fighting for their place in a savage and unruly cinematic universe. The comedy series shines a light on the secret chaos inside the world of superhero moviemaking, to ask the question — how exactly does the cinematic sausage get made? Because every f*ck-up has an origin story. The first three episodes will be available on Sky and NOW on ctober 21, with new episodes released weekly. Read the official HBO press release here:Cast:Himesh Patel as Daniel, Aya Cash as Anita, Jessica Hynes as Steph, Billy Magnussen as Adam, Lolly Adefope as Dag, Darren Goldstein as Pat, and Isaac Powell as Bryson. Recurring guest stars include Richard E. Grant as Peter and Daniel Brühl as Eric. Credits:Executive producers are Sam Mendes, Pippa Harris, Nicolas Brown, and Julie Pastor for Neal Street Productions; Armando Iannucci for Dundee Productions; Jon Brown, and Jim Kleverweis. The pilot was directed by Sam Mendes and written by Jon Brown, who serves as showrunner.
Source SKY
September 23, 2024 9:00am ET by Pressparty |