New release: Eckhardt And The House - We're All Wood (single)OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASENEWS PROVIDED BY TCBYML Eckhardt And The House is uptempo and danceable indie music with elements from pop to avant-garde to disco-funk, all twisted up into a signature sound with wild experimentation and disregard for the norm. With new single We're All Wood the band has taken a bit of an unusual route with a slower approach, to create a sweeping, conjuring and cinematic groove that unfolds into a slow ritual dance. As Eckhardt and The House himself describes it: We're All Wood is out now on BERT music (a division of TCBYML) writer: Rik Elstgeest, Gerry Arling | ISRC: NL-C8O-20-00040
July 10, 2020 5:00am ET by TCBYML |