Saturday, October 19, 2013 2:25pm ET by Newsdesk
The Vamps tease new music video with slow-motion sneak peekRising stars The Vamps have treated fans to a teaser of their forthcoming new music video, which they shot during a recent trip to Los Angeles. The 'Can We Dance' band shared a new cover via their YouTube channel this week, which is of The Killers' 'Mr. Brightside', but after they finish performing their own rendition of the anthem a sneak peak of their brand new American project begins. This exclusive first look at the offering is just over one and a half minutes in length, but it shows the heartthrobs running through the desert, enjoying the sun in LA, and some slow-motion footage of the city filmed in a delicious light. Tweeting about the clip (screenshots below), the band posted a message that read: "Check out our new cover of Mr Brightside by The Killers (and a sneaky cheeky peeky outtro for ya). Who’s enjoying our new cover? Who likes that ending? @DeanSherwood is basically da’ man!" Dean Sherwood, filmmaker for The Vamps, confirmed that he "shot the outtro teaser in this video with my 5S" iPhone on his official Twitter page.
Watch their cover of 'Mr. Brightside' along with a look at their second music video here:
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