Wednesday, September 10, 2014 2:34am ET by Newsdesk
U2 release new album for freeU2 have surprised fans with the release of their new album. The band unveiled the record 'Songs of Innocence' on iTunes on Tuesday (September 9), with the album available to download for free until October 13. The collection was premiered shortly after the Irish group performed at an Apple event in California, which launched the iPhone 6 and the Apple Watch. Singer Bono commented: "From the very beginning U2 have always wanted our music to reach as many people as possible, the clue is in our name I suppose - so today is kind of mind-blowing to us. The most personal album we've written could be shared with half a billion people… by hitting send. If only songwriting was that easy. The record features eleven songs, including the likes of 'Song for Someone', 'Volcano' and 'The Troubles'. U2's last album came in the shape of 2009's 'No Line on the Horizon'. Follow us: @Pressparty on Twitter / Pressparty on Facebook.
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