Friday, November 29, 2013 9:16am ET by Newsdesk "Britney Spears is the most focused and disciplined artist in the music industry" reckons Britney Spears' work ethic should be a lesson for all other artists in the industry. The music maestro executively produced the singer's upcoming new album 'Britney Jean' and it's fair to say he was suitably impressed by the comeback girl. He told Popjustice that Spears is a top star when it comes to concentrating on her work, adding that many other artists seem lazy in comparison. The Voice UK coach said: "I don't want to name artists but Britney is the most focused and disciplined of all the artists in the industry. Britney's a pro. Her time is valuable: she has kids. And a lot of the time with an artist they'll go into the studio, they'll sit around, they're watching TV, they order some food, they're giggling and joking, they're searching and listening to other people's songs, they finally get to work then they take a break, they order some food, their friends come…And that happens for four or five months, sometimes eight months." meanwhile recently confirmed that he would be acting as a coach on the next series of The Voice Australia, with Kylie Minogue also joining the panel.
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