Julie Garfield (Daughter of Legendary Actor John Garfield) Guests On Harvey Brownstone Interviews


World Star PR

Harvey Brownstone conducts an in-depth Interview with Julie Garfield, Daughter of Legendary Actor John Garfield.

If you’re a fan of Harvey Brownstone Interviews, you’ll be familiar with our very special series called “Gone But Not Forgotten”, where we celebrate the careers and legacies of the greatest cinematic legends of all time. Today’s guest, Julie Garfield, is the daughter of one of the most popular, beloved and highly acclaimed actors of the 20th century: John Garfield.

John Garfield received Academy Award nominations and New York Film Critics Circle Award nominations for his performances in “Body and Soul” and “Four Daughters”, for which he also won a National Board of Review Award. His other iconic movies include “They Made Me a Criminal”, “Juarez”, “Daughters Courageous”, “The Sea Wolf”, “Pride of the Marines”, “The Postman Always Rings Twice”, “Humoresque”, “Body and Soul”, “Gentleman’s Agreement”, “Force of Evil”, “The Breaking Point”, and many more.

He also appeared in over a dozen Broadway shows including “Golden Boy”, “The Big Knife”, “Counsellor-at-Law”, “Peer Gynt” and many more. In the early 1950’s, during the McCarthy era, John Garfield was victimized and blacklisted, because he adamantly refused to "name names" when he testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee.

Tragically, he passed away of a heart attack in 1952 at the age of 39, largely brought on by the stress of the persecution he faced as a blacklisted actor.

Today’s guest is Mr. Garfield’s only living child, Julie Garfield. She’s had a most impressive career as an award-winning actress in the theatre, both on and off Broadway, and in film and television. And for the past 20 years, she has been focusing exclusively on her career as a prominent artist. Her paintings and drawings have been featured in many prestigious galleries and exhibits, especially in New York City.

Harvey Brownstone is a retired judge of the Ontario Court of Justice and was the first openly gay judge in Canada. He is also the bestselling author of "Tug of War: A Judge's Verdict on Separation, Custody Battles and the Bitter Realities of Family Court" and hosted "Family Matters with Justice Harvey Brownstone," a television talk show on matters involving the family justice system.

After a distinguished legal career, Harvey was appointed a judge at the age of 38 in 1995. He has presided in family and criminal courts. He has been a trailblazer in several ways. He was the first openly gay judge in Canada. He was the first sitting judge in the world to write a national best seller and to host a TV talk show.

Harvey has been a role model and icon in the LGBTQ community. When same-sex marriage was legalized in Canada in 2003, he was the only judge to make himself publicly available to officiate at weddings for lesbian and gay couples travelling to Toronto from all over the world to get married. In 2007, he officiated at the wedding of Edith Windsor and Thea Spyer, the American couple whose marriage triggered the 2013 United States Supreme Court decision overturning the definition of "spouse" in the federal Defense of Marriage Act.

In February 2021, Harvey launched his online talk show "Harvey Brownstone Interviews" on his own YouTube channel. He saw this as an interesting hobby. Within several months, the show attracted hundreds of thousands - and then eventually, millions - of viewers. Because of the overwhelming success of the show, Harvey decided to retire from the judiciary on December 31, 2021 after having presided as a full-time judge for 26 1/2 years. Free from the constraints imposed upon judges regarding the expression of opinions and the endorsement of private enterprise, Harvey now happily devotes his full-time attention to hosting "Harvey Brownstone Interviews" as a regular member of the public - albeit one with a rather illustrious and unique career history.

Watch Julie Garfield on Harvey Brownstone Interviews on Youtube here:

The official website for Harvey Brownstone Interviews may be found at: https://www.harveybrownstoneinterviews.com

Get “The Talk Show Blend” – Coffee For The Modern Day Trailblazer! By Harvey Brownstone from Breakfast At Dominique’s available at: https://www.HollywoodBlends.com

For more information about Harvey Brownstone, here’s his Wikipedia page:

Source World Star PR

November 7, 2024 7:55pm ET by World Star PR  

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  Shortlink to this content: https://bit.ly/4hBkoUf


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