John DiLeo Guests On “If These Walls Could Talk” With Hosts Wendy Stuart and Tym Moss 12/18/24


World Star PR

Who else but hosts Wendy Stuart and Tym Moss could “spill the tea” on their weekly show “If These Walls Could Talk” live from Pangea Restaurant on the Lower Eastside of NYC, with their unique style of honest, and emotional interviews, sharing the fascinating backstory of celebrities, entertainers, recording artists, writers and artists and bringing their audience along for a fantastic ride.

John DiLeo will be a featured guest on “If These Walls Could Talk” with hosts Wendy Stuart and Tym Moss on Wednesday, December 18th, 2024 at 2 PM ET live from the infamous Pangea Restaurant.

Wendy Stuart is an author, celebrity interviewer, model, filmmaker and along with If These Walls Could Talk she hosts TriVersity Talk, a weekly web series with featured guests discussing their lives, activism and pressing issues in the LGBTQ Community.

Tym Moss is a popular NYC singer, actor, and radio/tv host who recently starred in the hit indie film “JUNK” to critical acclaim.

John DiLeo is the author of eight books about classic movies: And You Thought You Knew Classic Movies (1999), 100 Great Film Performances You Should Remember—But Probably Don’t (2002), Screen Savers: 40 Remarkable Movies Awaiting Rediscovery (2007), Tennessee Williams and Company: His Essential Screen Actors (2010), Screen Savers II: My Grab Bag of Classic Movies (2012), Ten Movies at a Time: A 350-Film Journey Through Hollywood and America 1930-1970 (2017), There Are No Small Parts: 100 Outstanding Film Performances with Screen Time of 10 Minutes or Less (2022), and Not Even Nominated: 40 Overlooked Costars of Oscar-Winning Performances (2024).

He has been an annual participant in the Black Bear Film Festival (Milford, PA), conducting onstage interviews with such notables as Farley Granger, Arlene Dahl, Marge Champion, Keir Dullea, Jane Powell, Rex Reed, Tab Hunter, Lorna Luft, Jane Alexander, and Illeana Douglas.

DiLeo spends most Sunday afternoons introducing classic movies (and leading post-film discussions) at the historic Milford Theater in Milford, PA.

He can be found on social media, including Facebook, Instagram (john.dileo.12), and his website is

Watch John DiLeo on “If These Walls Could Talk” with hosts Wendy Stuart and Tym Moss on YouTube here:

Subscribe and listen to “If These Walls Could Talk” on Apple Podcasts/iTunes here:

Source World Star PR

December 14, 2024 7:48pm ET by World Star PR  

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