THE AMERICAN RELICS: Brings The Nostalgic Flavor Back to Music


World Star PR

Already breaking YouTube records, winning awards and appearing live in NYC, THE AMERICAN RELICS are musically allowing time to stand still and bringing it all back to simpler days. Pop music dominated much of the 1960s driven by the explosion of youth culture in the US in Europe. With the British invasion of bands like the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, the sound of pop in the 1960s became a revolution. Fashion also dominated this era with bellbottoms, go-go boots, and the birth of the Barbie Doll sensation.

THE AMERICAN RELICS are fans of musical influences from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s are not only a reflection of times gone by, but also they are able to keep their music relevant enough that it can be celebrated in present times as well as in the future of the music industry. The band significantly bends all genres. Their hits “My Impala” and “The Eyes of 1969” released via Tribeca Records have broken a new ground on the pop scene as evidenced by their YouTube views. Their songs are carefree, happy, and tend to bring to mind drive-in movies, Grease, and the 5- cent postage stamp.

Band founder and lead vocalist and guitarist John Gitano is most responsible for the song writing while other members are happy to play along. The faction includes Neal Lazar playing lead guitar and has been acting as executive producer for many of the band’s projects. Adrienne Dugger sings the beyond outrageous harmonies as a former world-renowned opera singer turned rock-chick. Nelson Montana is a multi-instrumentalist who plays bass for the group and Patty Jarman plays acoustic and rhythm guitar and they both double as back up vocalists. The newest band members Bill Gulino on keys has a history of being musical director for the legendary Platters and has also done the same for television, while John McCann is a drummer who also has a long rock n roll history.

This year alone the band was featured at Times Square as they performed in the Woodstock Anniversary segment of the 5-hour concert “Pause the World for Peace” during the United Nation’s 40th anniversary of “International Peace Day” which won the Special Event Award in the Broadway World Awards. They were also nominated in two categories at the Josie Music Awards 2024 at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville. They have had several live performances at the trendy night spot Chelsea Table and Stage and plan future appearances shortly. Although their music is influenced by the past, their time to make some noise is now.

Listen/Watch to THE AMERICAN RELICS “The Eyes of 1969” on YouTube here:

Listen/Watch to THE AMERICAN RELICS “My Impala” on YouTube here:

Source World Star PR

January 13, 2025 2:23pm ET by World Star PR  

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