Friday, August 27, 2010 6:18am ET by Pressparty
pressparty, pete burns, dead or alive, never marry an icon
Pete Burns announces single details
Pete Burns has announced details of his new single, 'Never Marry An Icon'.
The song will be the former Dead Or Alive frontman's first solo single, since parting ways with the band in 2000.
A moderator for Burns' official website has called the track "hard-hitting and propulsive, with synth accents very reminiscent of recent Dirty Disco songs".
He continued, "Lots of aggressive dance beats and synthesizer riffs swirl around Pete's distinctive vocals. As for the lyrics, they're 'pure Pete'. I think I could recognise one of his singles by the cheeky, semi-autobiographical content alone."
The artwork for the single has been unveiled, showing Burns wearing a wedding dress and holding a bouquet of snakes.
The release date is unconfirmed, but the song will be available through iTunes.