Kenny Chesney Aims to Inspire Young Athletes by Donating 10,000 DVD's to High Schools Nationwide

NEW YORK, Nov. 17, 2010  --In an effort to inspire young athletes both on and off the field, Kenny Chesney is offering a free DVD copy of 'Boys of Fall,' his 90-minute documentary about the lasting, positive impact high school football has on players throughout their lives, to high schools and high school football coaches around the US.

In the documentary, Chesney interviews dozens of football's most successful commentators, coaches and players, including Joe Namath, Peyton Manning, Tony Dungy and Nick Saban, but the focus of the film is truly on life lessons learned by all who participate, not just those who go on to future football success.

"Kenny played high school football, and he feels the lessons learned on the field like hard work, humility and trust are carried over into everyday life," says Chesney's manager Clint Higham.  "He wants to help inspire future generations with the same passion he feels."

The first 10,000 schools to mail a letter on school letterhead requesting the documentary by December 31, 2010 will receive a copy of the DVD.  One DVD is available per high school.  Letters should be sent to:

Kenny Chesney

P.O. Box 121895

2006 Acklen Ave

Nashville, TN 37212

Chesney's hope is that the documentary will inspire students as much as he was during his high school playing days and when he made the film, and that they take away from their playing experience lessons that helped Chesney become one of hardest working and most successful artists in music today.  The DVD will be able to live on with teams or in school libraries for future generations to enjoy.

The DVD is available in Walmart stores now.

SOURCE Kenny Chesney

November 17, 2010 12:34pm ET by Pressparty   Comments (0)

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