Statement from Dan Snyder and Mark Shapiro of Dick Clark Productions About Dick Clark

Daniel M. Snyder, Chairman, and Mark Shapiro, Chief Executive Officer today issued the following statements about Dick Clark:

Daniel M. Snyder, Chairman, Dick Clark Productions
One of the real draws when we purchased Dick Clark Productions was the opportunity to build on the tremendous foundation of programming that this icon of American broadcasting created. 

I got to know Dick over the past five years and he was just as personable and warm in person as he was on television.  Once you got to know Dick, it was obvious why he was so beloved by his fans.  He was in every sense of the word, a giant.

Dick Clark will be sorely missed.  He was truly one of a kind. 

Mark Shapiro, Chief Executive Officer, Dick Clark Productions
Dick Clark was an American institution.  He was able to replicate the magic he brought to American Bandstand, not once but several times, through The Golden Globes, New Year's Rockin' Eve and thousands of hours of programming in almost every genre imaginable.  He was the first of his kind -- a pioneer, entrepreneur and creative visionary who bridged and cultivated the music scene with traditional show business.

Dick Clark entertained and touched the lives of several generations.  He is truly irreplaceable and will be greatly missed by the employees of our company and millions of fans worldwide.

April 19, 2012 12:45pm ET by Pressparty   Comments (0)

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