Deuntay Diggs to deliver Keynote at 11th Annual WIP ConferenceOFFICIAL PRESS RELEASENEWS PROVIDED BY Chandra Gore Consulting Inspirational Speaker and Author Deuntay Diggs will deliver the keynote at the 11th Annual Women in Public Service Conference on September 19 - 20, 2019 in Hampton, Virginia at the Hampton Roads Convention Center. This year’s conference theme is “People, Purpose & Passion: Partners in Progress.” When passion and purpose align with people who share your vision, you can achieve anything! That’s the empowering message we hope to deliver to conference attendees through a series of regular and mini sessions, and keynotes. Though the WIPS Conference is designed especially for women, public service personnel at all levels and from all departments—fire & rescue, law enforcement, administrative, civilian, and uniformed, men and women.are invited and encouraged to attend. Join us, and bring a friend! Learn about the challenges faced by women in the workforce, and their real world solutions Find out more about the WIP Conference at: AboutABOUT DEUNTAY DIGGS Deuntay Diggs is known by the world as the “Dancing Deputy.” He has had two dance videos to Beyoncé’s Formation go viral; reaching an estimated 90 million people and counting. He has made numerous appearances on TV, on shows such as America's Got Talent, Good Morning America, and the T.D. Jakes Show. He has also had articles written about him appearing in multiple publications such as Time Magazine, Buzz Feed, Out clique 9/17 edition, and Business Insider. Deuntay is a dynamic motivational speaker who presents a fresh dialogue on issues of race, sexuality, and diversity within our communities. He provides insight and shares his own personal and unique cultural experiences as a road-map on how to achieve change and acceptance. He transcended from a poverty-stricken family, to a Virginia Military Institute graduate, and is now a 2nd Lieutenant with the Stafford County Sheriff’s Office.
Source Chandra Gore Consulting
September 17, 2019 1:30am ET by Chandra Gore Consulting |