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Wednesday, March 2, 2016 10:55am ET by Pressparty
Deadmau5 calls Kanye West a 'dick' after file-sharing website photoDeadmau5 calls Kanye West 'a dick' for uploading a screenshot of his computer screen onto Twitter which shows tabs for The Pirate Bay and Media Downloader. West's screenshot was originally just intended to illustrate that he was listening to Surjan Stevens on YouTube but revealed a lot more. The rapper is known for his protective attitude over where his music is available, but posted a picture of his computer screen which revealed a little too much about his own internet habits. The Pirate Bay (TPB) is an online collection of digital content for visitors to share and download, including torrent files. The website founders were found guilty for assisting copyright infringement. The site is blocked by some ISPs in countries. Media Downloader is a site used for ripping-off and downloading YouTube videos. West's screengrab shows tabs for file-sharing website pages. The photo shows an Apple laptop hooked up to a Samsung monitor. Deadmau5 uploaded a cropped and zoomed image of West's screenshot showing that there was a tab to a pirated copy of Deadmau5's Serum software, which is officially produced by Xfer Records, a label co-founded by Deadmau5 himself. Ironically, West and Deadmau5 both helped launch TIDAL, an official streaming and download music website. West has also encouraged his own fans to buy his new album, 'The Life of Pablo', from TIDAL and to not download it illegally. Deadmau5 tweeted: 'What the f**k @kanyewest ... Can't afford serum? Dick.'
Follow us: @Pressparty on Twitter / Pressparty on Facebook. Watch the TIDAL launch video and music videos for both DeadMau5 and Kanye West below:
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