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Sunday, January 10, 2016 8:30am ET by  
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Bryan Adams' advice to Justin Bieber: 'Don't take it too seriously'

Bryan Adams has some words of advice for Justin Bieber and confessed that the best thing to do in his position is just to savour every moment. 

During an interview with, the iconic musician admitted that he would just tell Bieber to enjoy everything as it happens:

"Have fun! Enjoy it! Don't take it all too seriously! That's the advice I also give my own kids by the way. Of course you have to be pretty strict as a dad. But luckily my children are still pretty young."

Adams performed a duet with Bieber in Germany last year and together they treated an audience in Berlin to a rendition of the young heartthrob's breakthrough single, 'Baby'. Speaking about the unlikely pairing, he added: 

"He was very enthusiastic, so I suggested we listen to a few of his songs on the internet and pick one. Baby was the only one of his songs I kind of knew. I didn't find it embarrassing. I didn't have much time to learn the song, but luckily it turned out to be quite easy."

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Watch Bieber and Adams's duet here:


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