Thursday, November 18, 2010 10:40am ET by Newsdesk
Reading and Leeds 2011 tickets to go on sale in DecemberReading and Leeds Festival will be selling a number of 2011 tickets in December in order to allow fans to beat next year’s VAT increase. An official statement from the UK’s biggest rock and pop festival said: “A limited number of tickets will be on sale at this year’s prices until December 31st. Avoid the rush and get in early! What’s more, they are great Christmas gifts for friends, family or yourself!” Despite no line up having been confirmed or announced, next year’s tickets are due to go on sale from 9am on Friday, December 3 with customers of Vodafone being given a two day presale, which begins on December 1, 2010. Watch Paramore's performance of 'Misery Business' from this year's Reading Festival here:
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