Monday, December 13, 2010 9:54am ET by Newsdesk
Music dominates Twitter's 2010 trending listSocial networking, or micro-blogging, site Twitter has released its top trending lists of 2010 and music stars feature prominently. Teenage pop sensation Justin Bieber topped the list of most tweeted about people of the year with Lady Gaga making it into third place. MTV’s Video Music Awards took the number 1 spot in the television category whilst U.S hit show Glee and the world famous Grammy Awards were also recognized. Lady Gaga, along with other celebrities, recently used her incredible popularity on the site to raise money for the prevention of HIV/AIDS by declaring herself 'digitally dead' until enough money was donated by fans to reactivate her Twitter account. Watch a Lady Gaga thanking her followers at being crowned the 'Queen of Twitter' here:
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