Wednesday, December 22, 2010 5:57am ET by  
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Mark Ronson’s impossible collaboration

Mark Ronson is the king of collaborations having worked with stars including Duran Duran, Robbie Williams and Amy Winehouse, but one of his dream duets will be a goal that even he will never reach.

When asked which artists he would like to work with next, the star producer said: “Biggie and Steve Winwood are the two artists alive or dead I’d like to work with next.”

Biggie Smalls, also known as the Notorious B.I.G., was gunned down in March of 1997, making a collaboration with him in 2011 a little bit unlikely.

Ronson also revealed that he wished he’d given his band, The Business International, a different name, saying: “now I wish I had named it The Business Innit.”

Watch Ronson and band performing 'Bang Bang Bang', below:

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