Monday, April 11, 2011 12:00pm ET by Newsdesk
George Michael recording royal wedding songGeorge Michael has revealed plans to record a song for Prince William and Kate Middleton that will celebrate their forthcoming nuptials. The posts, which began yesterday (April 10) saw the 'Careless Whisper' star ask his followers to suggest a track for him to record: "Remember twitterville, this has got to be a romantic, OPTIMISTIC song for two good people. Who happen to be royalty...:)" To ensure sure his fans knew he wasn't after a seat in the front row at the wedding, he added: "Oh by the way, I'm not angling for an invite people! It'll be a camera-fest! I'm incredibly happy for them but can u imagine!" Earlier this afternoon, he continued: "I think I've chosen a song for William and Kate...." "Suffice to say it's a beautiful song and it was never a single so chances are u don't know it....." "But I think it's a perfect fit...." The only clues that Michael gave were that it was "written in the seventies by a genius" and "the first word of the title is 'you'". He will release the song to the public through his Twitter account only and aims to have it completed by Thursday, April 14. Watch his video for 'True Faith' here:
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