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Friday, March 6, 2009 3:48pm ET by Madonna
Madonna 'I Am Because We Are' premieres in FranceMadonna and Nathan Rissman's I Am Because We Are documentary will be released on March 25 in France. In the meantime, Nathan attended two of the previews organized in Paris (March 3rd) and in Lille (March 5th). As the documentary's director, he took the time to answer the audience's related questions and to share his thoughts about the situation in Malawi. Working on the project for more than 2 years and spending a lot of time with children in orphanages helped Nathan to turn the documentary into an amazing and touching story made of what those children have to deal with on a daily basis. Suffering from AIDS, infections and malnutrition, most of the children in Malawi have lost their parents and are in need for proper education and guidance. More than just a story about Malawi, I Am Because We Are provides the audience with keys to help changing the situation but also spreads hope for a better world. Watch a clip of Madonna on why she made the documentary below: Latest 10 Madonna News Stories