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Friday, March 25, 2016 6:30am ET by Newsdesk
Madonna hits out over 'no parking' signs criticismThe Queen of Pop has hit out at articles criticising her for putting up 'no parking' signs in front of her Upper East Side townhouse in a post on Instagram. Madonna made headlines earlier this week as she was reportedly ordered to remove signs in front of her property which read, "Tenant parking only... unauthorised vehicles will be towed away at vehicle owner's expense." The words "No Parking" had also been embossed in cement on the sidewalk, with the nearby curb painted yellow. The 'Material Girl' superstar's neighbour reported this to the New York Department of Transportation. An official visited Madonna's townhouse on Wednesday and TMZ reports that her team was ordered to remove the signs immediately. The Daily Mail covered the story, which prompted Madonna to respond and she posted a photograph of the article to her Instagram page (pictured below) and accompanied the image with the following caption: "Yes Bishes (sic) I am Madonna and that is my driveway and if people park in front of it I can't drive in my driveway! So sorry the city doesn't like the colour yellow! We will paint a nice dull grey to keep our neighbours happy! Sorry! I'm saying 3 extra Hail Mary's this Easter for this transgression!" Follow us: @Pressparty on Twitter / Pressparty on Facebook.
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