Monday, September 2, 2013 5:48am ET by  
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Brian London says Adam Lambert encouraged him to listen to different genres of music

Brian London has revealed that Adam Lambert's desire to cover different types of music led him to rediscovering blues.

The talented musician plays keyboards in the 'Trespassing' star's live band and he recently gave an interview to American Blues Scene.

Speaking about his love of blues, London credited Adam Lambert and his wish to explore different avenues of music with directing him to listening to blues again. He said:

"Well, ever since last summer I’ve been listening to a lot of different types of music because Adam [Lambert] likes to do different cover songs, from Jimi Hendrix to Lenny Kravitz to Queen. So it was me going back and studying the eras, and while I was doing that, I ended up falling on top of the blues."

London added: "But my grandma always loved blues music, so I  grew up around it, listening to it all the time. Little Milton, B.B. King and all of the greats. I’ve been playing in churches and doing gospel music as well, since I was 12, so I was always around that type of music during that period of time in my teenage years. Blues was just another version of that for me."






Watch Brian London perform with Adam Lambert below:


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