Helping You Get The Most Out of Pressparty

To save you time, we’ve noted a few of the frequently asked questions below.

Still having trouble? Spot an issue? Let us know and Send a message from your profile page so that we can resolve the issue as quickly as possible for you.

What is a Press Release?

A press release targets the media, providing a brief outline of the major facts of a news story in a journalistic style. Journalists, editors, and broadcasters use the factual news for their publications and programmes. A press release should ideally have a location and date, be written in third-person, cite quotes and sources, and contain crucial information.

Our quick and easy-to-use press release tool allows you to customize and embargo your press release. 


Q. I Want To Create a Profile, So Where Do I Start?

A. Click here to fill out your details. 

Q. Who Can Become a Member of Pressparty?

A. Membership registration is open to verified artists, their representatives and the music and entertainment industry.

Register here or on our Homepage by clicking the Registration link.

Q. How Do I Upload My Profile Photo?

A. Click Edit profile icon to upload your photo which will be visible to other logged in users and the public.



Q. How Do I Upload a Press Release?

A. Click Press Releases, then New Press Release.

Q. How Do I Write a Press Release?

A. Since a press release is primarily a news story, you should ideally include a location and date at the start of the first paragraph. For Instance, "New York, NY - August 19, 2020". 

As in a standard news story, the initial headline should summarize the main news of the press release

Below the headline is often a brief, one-line summary of the press release. 

The rest of the press release should answer all of the questions a journalist might have about your announcement (who? what? where? when? how? and why?).

Although a press release is a public relations tool, it should remain factual and not overly promotional as it's not an advert.

Research shows that press releases that include photos, videos, and charts, receive a larger engagement.

Please ensure your press release is for a current or upcoming release. If not, you will need to backdate it by using our embargo tool, otherwise it may not be published.

Q. How Do I Make My Font Bold?

A. Put <b>before and</b> after the font you wish to make bold.

Q. How Do I Underline My Font?

A. Put <u>before and</u> after the font you wish to underline.



Q. How Can I Send a Message To Other Logged in Users?

A. Go to the other user's profile page and click send a message.

Q. Can I Upload a Gif?

A. Yes.

Q. Who is Going To See The Information Uploaded To My Profile?

A. You can control who sees your press release by selecting PrivatePublic or Logged in users under the access setting on your profile page.

Q. What Does Embargo Mean?

A. An embargoed press release is a document that is shared with journalists before its official release date, but with a strict agreement that the information contained within it cannot be published until a specific time and date.

Q. How Do I Deactivate My Account?

A. You can delete your profile at any time from Settings/Account Settings.

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