About Company

I’m Chris Rogers. Founder and sole owner of HabitFormed Records. The label started in Llandrindod Wells in 2010 .. And still based there
The label aims to release music in a range of formats and is completely genre free.
We try as much as possible to work outside the structures of the “Music Industry”our aim is to find music that we like, get it recorded, and get it released. Simple, really. Anything is considered, the more original the better. And help artists have complete artistic control over all aspects of their music release.
From the music and the artwork to the date of release format of the release and if you want us to send out promos with a bucket of ice cream we will help you do so as long as you work with us to make it work.
We’re not quite Crass but their model seems as good as any other so we’ll go down that route as much as possible.

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