Meet Zones One of The Rappers in The Rap Game UK

The Rap Game UK returns to BBC iPlayer at 7pm on Thursday 22 October, hosted by UK rap legends DJ Target, Krept and Konan


BBC Three

Kent-based Zones is here to prove her worth, a gay woman in the male dominated music industry. She spits as hard as men - will the competition help her to gain the respect she deserves?

Why did you want to take part in series two?

I want to showcase my talents. I’m a versatile rapper - I don’t really think there’s a sound like mine out in the market now. I’m very different. Right now I’m the underdog - no one knows who I am. I’m gonna put my face to my name. I’m gonna show the greatness that I’ve got.

What is your style?

I don’t have a specific style. I’m versatile. I can change anytime. I can jump on any beat. According to my mood, I might write a different type of music. I’m always surprising people.

What does music mean to you?

Music is my zone. Music is my peaceful state of mind. Music is important to me. It’s like freedom in my mind, do you know what I mean? It can help you adapt to any state that you’re feeling. It can help remove you from certain states that you’re feeling in. I feel like music is an expression of my feelings.

How does making music make you feel?

It makes me feel happy. It makes me feel less stressed. I’m not really good with words or good at expressing my emotions – but writing down how I’m feeling in a piece of music, it’s like talking to a counsellor. It really benefits me.

Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?

When I hear that I just see stars. I see me everywhere. Any zone. Anywhere that I need to be to get my music out there and allow my voice to be heard. Five years from now, someone else is gonna be here and I’m gonna help them. I’m gonna give them a voice.

Source BBC Three

October 13, 2020 10:05am ET by BBC Three  

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