James Arthur to feature in new BBC Three film about his mental health struggles

The documentary will be filmed in the north-east - where James has returned to live after many years living in London - and sees James telling his story with compelling honesty

"It's a topic that undoubtedly needs more discussion, male mental health and our reliance as a nation on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medication. I've been there myself, so it's so humbling to be a part of something that is going to shed some light on it." — James Arthur


BBC Three

BBC Three has announced James Arthur: Out of Our Minds (Working title), a deeply personal film with the Middlesbrough-born singer-songwriter James Arthur, that focuses on male mental health and use of anti-depressants.

With prescriptions for antidepressants at an all-time high in the UK, this timely film follows James as he faces up to his own mental health struggles and issues with anti-depressant use as he prepares for a new tour.

Despite his ‘celebrity’ status, his story is not uncommon and a government review found that 7.3 million people, 17% of the adult population, are taking anti-depressants*. James will meet others who like him, have struggled to stop using anti-depressants but have found ways to pull themselves through and to thrive.

The documentary will be filmed in the north-east – where James has returned to live after many years living in London – and sees James telling his story with compelling honesty.

James Arthur, says: "It's been such a special thing to make, this doc. Obviously the subject matter is extremely heavy, so it's been really difficult to hear from blokes who have had the courage to offer up their stories for the film knowing how important it is to be a part of something like this. It's a topic that undoubtedly needs more discussion; male mental health, and our reliance as a nation on anti-depressants & anti-anxiety medication.. I've been there myself, so it's so humbling to be a part of something that is going to shed some light on it."

Fiona Campbell, Controller, BBC Three says: “We are grateful to James for putting his trust in us to share his story. Despite some of the themes the film will explore, we hope it will be full of optimism and shows that there is light at the end of the tunnel for people with similar experiences.”

James Arthur: Out of Our Minds (Working title), is 1 x 60 film commissioned by Fiona Campbell, Controller BBC Three and Catherine Catton, Head of Commissioning Popular Factual. The film is directed by Rob Gill and Executive Producers are Lucy Hillman and Sam Whittaker, Summer Films. The Commissioning Editor for the BBC is Nasfim Haque.

Source BBC Three

February 25, 2022 4:58am ET by BBC Three  


  Shortlink to this content: https://bit.ly/3M0DJhD


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