BBC Writersroom Pilot scheme announces writers and production companies for 2023


BBC iPlayer

For 2023, this prestigious initiative (previously known as the TV Drama Writers’ Programme) is partnering 10 talented early-career screenwriters with 10 independent production companies, with a script-commission, giving the screenwriters the opportunity to write the first episode of a potential BBC-commissioned original drama series or serial.

During the year-long scheme, the writers will attend masterclasses and workshops with established television writers, production teams and experts in screenwriting, while developing their original script. The aim is that the writer’s series or serial will be taken into full development by the BBC.

The participants in Pilot for 2023 are:
• Izzy Mant – Company Pictures
• Jeffrey Aidoo – Greenacre Films
• Danielle Ward – BBC Studios
• Sorcha Kurien-Walsh – Hartswood Films
• Liv Hennessy – Moonage Pictures
• Lawrie Doran – Kindle Entertainment
• Noel McCann – New Pictures
• Tom Melia – Eleven Film
• Ayad Andrews – Dancing Ledge Productions
• Angharad Elen – Mammoth Pictures

Lindsay Salt, BBC Director of Drama says: “One of the joys of this job so far has been witnessing the exceptional work that the BBC Writersroom does for this industry – championing and nurturing writers of the future. We can’t wait to see the results of these partnerships.”

Jess Loveland, Head of New Writing for BBC Drama Commissioning and BBC Writersroom, says: “We’re delighted to announce the participants for Pilot 2023, once again the team at BBC Writersroom has been overwhelmed by the incredible talent to be found across the length and breadth of the UK and we can’t wait to see how their projects develop under the careful guidance of the participating indies this year.”

Recent successful outcomes from Pilot include Lost Boys and Fairies written by Welsh writer Daf James and produced by Leeds-based indie Duck Soup Films, which was developed as part of the 2019 scheme, and will be filmed for BBC One and BBC iPlayer during 2023.

Established writers who have contributed to masterclasses and related BBC Writersroom events include Mike Bartlett, Danny Brocklehurst, Marnie Dickens, Bill Gallagher, Adrian Hodges, Kay Mellor, Jed Mercurio, Peter Moffat, Abi Morgan, Vinay Patel, Sarah Phelps, Dan Sefton, Frank Spotnitz, Kirstie Swain, Sally Wainwright and Toby Whithouse.

Applications for writers to take part in the next Pilot opportunity will be open in early autumn via the BBC Writersroom website.

BBC Writersroom is part of BBC TV Drama commissioning. A cross-genre department for scripted content, it also works with CBBC, CBeebies, radio, online and others to develop new and experienced off-screen talent. It has bases in London, Salford, Glasgow, Cardiff and Belfast.

Source BBC iPlayer

March 9, 2023 2:00am ET by BBC iPlayer  


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