BPI Announces Latest Sessions for it's Equality Training Programme

Online events in late October and across November to cover unconscious bias in the workplace, diversifying recruitment practises, understanding Anti-Semitism, and career progression for diverse talent



At a glance - four new training sessions for the ongoing BPI Equality Training Programme

October 22nd - Unconscious Bias at Work
November 3rd - Diversifying Recruitment Practices
November 17th - Understanding Antisemitism
November 26th - Career Progression for Diverse Talent

The BPI can announce four new online training sessions as part of its ongoingEquality Training Programme.

The events will take place from this coming Thursday (22nd October), when unconscious bias in the workplace will be explored with DiVA Apprenticeships Founder and CEO Arit Eminue. This will be followed next month by sessions on how recruitment practices can be diversified, again with Arit (3 Nov); understanding Anti-Semitism with Danny Stone MBE, Chief Executive, Antisemitism Policy Trust (17 Nov); and career progression for diverse talent, also hosted by Arit Eminue.

The sessions, which are free to attend, are part of a series training workshops aimed at helping BPI members and others in the industry to recruit, maintain and empower a diverse workforce. They follow two events already held earlier in the year – 'Diversity in the Ranks' and 'Let's Talk About Race'

Oct 22:

Unconscious Bias at Work – hosted by Arit Eminue, Founder & Director, DiVA Apprenticeships

This webinar introduces attendees to the concept of unconscious bias. The aim is to raise awareness of how unconscious biases work and how they can negatively influence workplace interactions. Attendees will be introduced to tools to help challenge their biases to help foster a more inclusive workplace. Read more and sign up here.

Nov 3:

Diversifying Recruitment Practices – hosted by Arit Eminue, Founder & Director, DiVA Apprenticeships

There is enough data out there highlighting the commercial and social benefits of hiring talent from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities. However, with all the will in the world, if you’re running a small business and are time poor, where do you get started, especially when your recruitment networks are primarily word of mouth? In this dynamic and motivating session, you’ll learn the importance of developing a strong employer brand, what not to put in a job description, employee benefits that don’t break the bank and support diversity, how to engage with community based organisations – along with names of those you can reach out too. You’ll also receive practical interview techniques and questions that go beyond those you found on google. Read more and sign up here.

Nov 17:

Understanding Antisemitism - hosted by Danny Stone MBE, Chief Executive, Antisemitism Policy Trust

This workshop is designed to address another facet of racism and will be delivered by Danny Stone MBE, who has led the professional team at the Antisemitism Policy Trust for a decade. The aims of the seminar include: an increased understanding of who Jewish people are and the community in the United Kingdom; an increased understanding of what antisemitism is, its scale and reach, how it manifests online, its impact and pervasiveness - as well knowledge about the different manifestations of antisemitism including but not limited to; conspiratorial, Holocaust denial, Israel and Zionism-linked. Read more and sign up here.

Nov 26:

Career Progression for Diverse Talent - hosted by Arit Eminue, Founder & Director, DiVA Apprenticeships

The music industry is making progress on increasing the number of individuals from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities, in entry-level positions. How do we make sure these people progress through the ranks, are selected for promotions and are empowered to succeed? In this session, you’ll explore simple yet effective tools to create a career progression framework suitable for your business, that supports diversity and inclusion. One that defines possible progression routes in the company, professional development support, and explains what someone has to do to progress to each role; offering your managers and their teams clarity, a sense of meaningful progression and a desire to remain with the organisation. Read more and sign up here: https://bit.ly/37qBMcr

Source BPI

October 20, 2020 11:00am ET by Pressparty  


  Shortlink to this content: https://bit.ly/3dJpXPP


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