Hits Radio to launch Trending Chart Show fronted by Sarah Jane Crawford

The UK Chart Show will broadcast every Sunday across the Hits Radio Network from 6th January 2018

The UK Chart Show launches on Sunday 6th January at 4pm


Bauer Media

Bauer Media have announced plans to launch a brand new multi-platform chart show revealing the biggest songs, shows, films and trending moments from the week every Sunday from 4-7pm.

Broadcasting to the Hits Radio Network, The UK Chart Show will play the hottest 30 tracks in the UK, airing what audiences are listening to, streaming, watching and downloading that week.

More than a music countdown, the show will reveal the #TopThreeTrending moments of the past 7 days: from albums, movies and shows, as well as revealing theFuture Hits listeners need to hear now.

Informed by audience insight and programming expertise, the show is aimed at a national audience of influential 15-44 year olds who live their life in a digital sphere with an unending desire to know what’s hot now - giving them a weekly fix of what’s really important in their world through a fun and entertaining escape.

Commenting on the launch, Gary Stein Group Programme Director Hits Radio Network said: “Given how fast consumer trends are evolving, the time is right for a chart show on a Sunday to truly represent how audiences are consuming media today. The UK Chart Show will be a first in accurately reflecting what audiences are listening to on the radio, streaming, downloading and watching.”

Keeping listeners ahead of the curve, The UK Chart Show will be the UK’s most accurate reflection of consumer trends – with Sarah Jane grabbing exclusive chats with the stars behind the hits.

The UK Chart Show will air every Sunday from 4pm – 7pm across the Hits Radio Network and is broadcast on DAB digital radio, Freeview, online and on listen apps across the UK as well as each chart element simulcast across the Hits Radio Network social channels. It will also be broadcast on FM. Advertisers will be able to access this valuable audience nationally.

Source Bauer Media

January 8, 2019 7:17am ET by Bauer Media  


  Shortlink to this content: http://bit.ly/2GZJxe3


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