ITV orders more Cold Feet following triumphant return

ITV orders more Cold Feet following triumphant return ITV’s Director of Television Kevin Lygo and Head of Drama Polly Hill have today confirmed that celebrated comedy drama Cold Feet has been recommissioned for a new series from acclaimed screenwriter Mike Bullen and award-winning producers Big Talk Productions. 

After a thirteen-year absence from the channel, Cold Feet returned to ITV in September to a rapturous reception by critics and fans alike.  The wave of enthusiasm for its return saw it trend at #1 globally on Twitter, with critics calling it ‘honest, touching, and very funny’ – The Sun, ‘smart, funny and gently affecting’ – The Guardian, ‘Cold Feet return stands as something of a triumph’ - The Telegraph and ‘… just as funny and heart-warming as it ever was’- The Mirror. The series has been ITV’s most successful drama launch of the year with a consolidated opening episode ratings of 8.4 million and a 33% share of the audience. The first five episodes of the series have averaged 7 million and a 28% share. The penultimate episode of the current series airs tonight at 9pm on ITV.  

ITV’s Director of Television, Kevin Lygo said: 

"It's with some trepidation that you return to much loved shows, but Mike Bullen's contemporary take on the five friends and their lives has been a wonderful thing, with every bit of the warmth, humour, emotion and chemistry that makes Cold Feet such a special, and hugely enjoyable drama. We were obviously delighted that the audience agreed, and we're pleased to be able to confirm that Cold Feet will return again for a further series.” 

Executive Producer and CEO of Big Talk Productions Kenton Allen added:  

“We have been incredibly humbled by the astonishing reaction from viewers and critics alike. The challenge of bringing back a much loved show was extremely daunting so it’s incredibly satisfying to be asked to make another series with Mike Bullen, Jimmy, Hermione, Robert, John, Fay and the rest of our incredible cast and awesome Manchester Crew.” 

Written and created by Mike Bullen and starring James Nesbitt, Hermione Norris, Robert Bathurst, John Thomson and Fay Ripley, the new eight part series reunited the Manchester based ‘fiftysomething’ friends as they encountered the minefield of middle age. 

Greeted affectionately by the audience and critics alike, the series truthfully confronted challenging and topical life issues and didn’t shy away from exploring the human frailties of the characters. 

On social media, fans heaped praise on Mike Bullen’s witty, heartfelt and compelling scripts as the characters were truly welcomed back by the nation. The series also introduced Adam’s son, Matthew, played by Ceallach Spellman, Leanne Best as Tina, Art Malik as Eddie Zubayr, James Bollam as Harry, and Karen David as Angela. 

The new eight part series will go into production on location in Manchester during March 2017, with scripts and stories once again written and conceived by Mike Bullen. 

Commented Mike Bullen: 

"We all said we only wanted to bring Cold Feet back if we could maintain the standard previously set. I've been blown away by the show's reception among viewers and critics alike. It has exceeded even my hopes. This recommission confirms that we didn't screw it up. I shall take a moment to bask in the warm glow... Okay, done that. Now the hard graft resumes." 

Cold Feet is produced for ITV by Big Talk Productions, one of the UK’s leading film and television production companies. Mike Bullen will executive produce the series, alongside Big Talk’s Kenton Allen and Matthew Justice. ITV’s Senior Drama Commissioner Victoria Fea will oversee production of the second series from the Network’s perspective. 

ITV Studios Global Entertainment is responsible for distributing Cold Feet internationally.  

October 17, 2016 9:02am ET by ITV Press Centre  

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