Celebrity Juice returns with more ‘Live’ comedy shenanigans

Multi award-winning series returns with LIVE special in March 

Guests including Jonathan Ross and Scarlett Moffatt for first show  

ITV2’s multi-award winning Celebrity Juice returns with a LIVE episode to launch season 17, so expect the unexpected and everything else that Keith Lemon has to offer. 

In an hour long special, Keith and the team will serve up the naughtiest comedy panel show, live from Elstree studios direct to the ITV2 audience.  Fearne Cotton and Holly Willoughby are back as resident team captains to do battle for the title of queen of the week’s celebrity news and series regular Gino ‘Sheffield’ D’Acampo is on hand to help out, as only he knows best. 

Keith Lemon says: “Very excited to be back with me Juice Family. Juice 'completes me' Like what Tom Cruise said in Jeremy McGuire. He's not on it, he said no but Jonathan Ross and Scarlett Moffatt is! It's gonna be fun! And live! I like live it's exciting like the first time I climbed a rope. Hold on Tom Cruise wasn't in Jeremy McGuire it was called Jerry McGuire that film. Ding Bat! BAFTA winning Ding Bat.” 

Managing Director, Talkback and Executive Producer of Celebrity Juice, Leon Wilson says: “After the successful and completely chaotic first ‘Live show launch’ a year ago, the production team have suitably recovered and decided what better way to launch series 17. Last year we killed Rylan by running him over with a tank. What could possibly go wrong this year?” 

Over ten episodes viewers can expect the show’s usual mix of hilarious games, stunts, challenges and celebrity guests. Chat show King Jonathan Ross and Queen of the Jungle Scarlett Moffatt kick off proceedings as guests on the LIVE show, while a whole host of celebrity friends are set to help in the usual run of chaotic challenges throughout the rest of the series. 

Paul Mortimer, Head of Digital Channels and Acquisitions said: "After more than 8yrs of ratings busting on ITV2, Celebrity Juice remains as fresh and as popular as ever. I'm thrilled Keith, Holly, Fearne and Gino are back for a 17th season of the funniest, most irreverent entertainment show on TV." 

The brand new 10 x 45/60 min series of Celebrity Juice is due to air in March and was ordered for ITV2 by Saskia Schuster, Commissioning Editor, Comedy and Entertainment.  It has been made for ITV2 by Talkback and executive produced by Leon Wilson, Jonno Richards and Dan Baldwin. The Series Producer is Jessie Swanson. 

March 2, 2017 5:36am ET by ITV Press Centre  

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  Shortlink to this content: http://bit.ly/2mIPoWV


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