ITV Commercial revives Euros ad competition

‘Most Engaging’ Advert To Win Free Spot During Euros Final


ITV Press Centre

With the UEFA Euro 2020 confirmed for a hotly anticipated return in Summer 2021, ITV Commercial today announces it will be reviving its creative contest that will see one advertiser scoop a free ad spot during the rescheduled Euro 2020 final.

Partnering with System1, ITV are issuing a call out to all advertisers, media agencies and creative agencies, to create an advert deemed to be the most emotionally engaging and enjoyed amongst audiences.

System1, an independent specialist ad testing agency, will work with ITV to measure each ad’s level of emotional engagement using their star rating system. Their approach is based on the work of psychologist Paul Ekman and has been validated using the IPA’s effectiveness award winners to link emotional engagement to long term effectiveness. The agency has worked with some of the UK’s best-known brands, such as John Lewis and Co-op.

Details of the competition are available now on where you can register your interest, and from the 15th of February applications will be open for you to submit your ad. The final deadline for entries will be 27th June, with the winner announced by 7th July, ahead of the Euro 2020 final on 11th July.

Kate Waters, Director of Client Strategy and Planning ITV, ITV Commercial said “At a time when people are increasingly looking to TV for entertainment and escapism, but when creative effectiveness is in decline, there's never been a better or more important opportunity for advertising to engage and entertain viewers. This competition is a small step to help make that happen. System 1 is the perfect research partner for ITV as we begin our search for the brand that has the ambition, vision and creativity to produce an advert that will be at the forefront of one of this year's largest live sporting events and greatest cultural moments.”

Jon Evans, CMO at System1, said “Euro 2020 is a golden opportunity for brands to score with the public - but our research shows half the ads on TV leave them flat. Effective ads don't just give people a lift, they benefit the bottom line. We're over the moon to be helping ITV reward effectiveness, new ideas and enthusiasm with this competition. It's a chance for creative brands to showcase their work on one of the most coveted stages in UK advertising. May the biggest feelings win!”.

February 16, 2021 4:27am ET by ITV Press Centre  

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