Introducing New Love Island UK Contestant - Remi Lambert


ITV Press Centre

Love Island: Remi Lambert

Age: 22
From: Manchester
Occupation: Model

Why Love Island and why now?

I am single AF! When I saw Molly [Mae Hague] and Tommy [Fury] and saw how strong they are together, I thought, ‘I want a love like that.’

What do you think you’ll bring to the Villa?

I feel like I’m going to bring the goofy vibe, the fun vibe that everyone needs and the chilled person that everyone can talk to if anything is wrong.

What makes you a catch?

I’ll do random stuff like canoeing or a hot air balloon. I’m down for anything really.

Why would you say you’re single?

I think it’s by choice - I’m too picky. She needs to be 10/10 for everything. And I’m 6ft3”. I’d like a girl to be at least 5ft10”.

How would your family and friends describe you?

They would say I’m a family oriented person. I’m the guy who takes my family out on trips whenever they’re down.

How would you sum up your dating history?


Do you like dating? How do you like to meet potential partners?

Recently I’ve been going on a lot of dates but I feel like now it’s time to find something more serious. I usually meet girls out and about on a night out. If I see a girl I like, I’ll just go over without hesitation and sometimes I meet girls through Instagram.

Do you have a memorable dating experience?

I took a girl to Paris once. I only knew her for two weeks and I thought ‘this girl is 10/10, I need to take her to Paris’.

How competitive are you?

I’m quite laid back but it’s happened before where I’ve been in a club and guys have tried to move to a girl and I’m like ‘If you want to chat to her, you can chat to her but I’m going to do my thing.’ I always win!

What gives you the ‘ick’?

A girl who is always out. All day every day from Monday to Sunday on nights out.


June 15, 2022 4:00am ET by ITV Press Centre  

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