Racial Comments & Online Hate Taken Too Far After Sundays Bootcamp


X Factor hopefuls Skarl3T have had a pretty tough week following their X Factor bootcamp performance. The London based Trio have been subject to a string of abuse after Sundays episode saw the girls pair up with Kayleigh Marie Morgan and Tinuke. Comments posted online include “They look like slags”, “This is a black thing”, “don’t like this group arrogant and up their own arses”. One upset viewer even felt compelled to email the group directly writing “Pure C**TS Actually Kill Yourself”. Skarl3T are obviously upset over this and have taken to twitter to defend themselves, even Kayleigh Marie Morgan seemed to show her support for Skarl3T by tweeting “Love you more my babies”. Surly something must be wrong if an appearance on a reality TV show can cause the public to feel compelled to racially abuse a contestant and request that they cause harm to themselves? As in any story there are 2 sides. Skarl3T remain focused and are set to take on the 6 Chair challenge this Sunday for their chance to prove themselves worthy of a seat at Judges houses in hope that the public can see through the recent negativity that has surrounded them.

September 23, 2016 5:44am ET by Legacy Records  

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