D’ron Forbes Launches New “Library Of Investing” on YouTube

The Division One Finance YouTube channel has been transformed into a learning center for investors.

For Immediate Release


Division One Finance

New York, NY, August 8, 2021 - Rather than focus on creating content that drives subscribers and engagement for monetary gain; D’ron Forbes has transformed the Division One Finance YouTube channel into an all inclusive library for investors.

Selecting content from all types of creators and finance channels on YouTube and bringing it all into one place. Now investors never have to search high and low for the right content again. “As an investor who has been doing this for quite some time, I know what they need to be looking at” Forbes says. “I know when a piece of information is not worth their time or when it’s going to change their life forever”.

This was the reason behind the idea to create an all inclusive channel, where content from competitor channels on YouTube can also be present. “The education of the investor is more important than getting tons of views on our own content. We’re still talking about a wealth gap that could have been obliterated decades ago, if only those in poverty knew about investing or the power of compound interest. The next decade will be about them”.

The YouTube playlists will feature videos from Channels like YahooFinance, Bloomberg, Nasdaq, The Plain Bagel, InTheMoney and hundreds more.

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The YouTube channel features 6 unique playlists, focusing on different areas that are important to both investors and traders. Stock Talk is a playlist that will feature the type of content that is heard in the Stock Market Academy classroom. There are also playlists on fundamental and technical analysis to help new investors learn the basics.

For those who don’t have the time in their day to sit down and read books there is an audio book playlist. For those who don’t understand the bond market and economic reports there is the Macro View playlist. This YouTube channel is filled with great content for whatever you want to learn. Just type Division One Finance in the YouTube search bar to dive on in.

August 8, 2021 12:26pm ET by Division One Finance  

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  Shortlink to this content: https://bit.ly/3CwCZMs


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