Stone Fruit reveal vibrant, soulful & cinematic EP - ‘Hold Me Close’


Olivia Rayner

London-based duo Stone Fruit are set to reveal their third EP length project, the stunningly beautiful Hold Me Close. Featuring a plethora of gorgeous tones, carefully selected synths and expert arrangement it closely follows recent single, the atmospheric and heartfelt ‘Second Guess’.

Sonically enchanting from the very first note, Hold Me Close is a truly captivating body of work and stands as a shining example of what the duo do best, effortlessly creating muso-spheres which encompass the listener and bathes them in the emotive melodies of Valentini Pavlidou and the spacious and ethereal production of Lef Germenlis.

Having both worked on separate musical projects, this pairing is the fruit of their longstanding friendship and their unquenchable need to create a sound that brings together elements of soul, pop, R&B and electronic music remaining unconfined by the restrictions of one genre alone. 5 tracks long, this EP is an incredibly dynamic offering from the two, songs ranging from soft and cinematic to upbeat, soulful and jazzy, perfectly finished off with a dreamy cover of the cult classic ‘Everywhere’ by Fleetwood mac.

Hold Me Close offers a unique world in which the listener can get completely lost in. A retrospective authentic account of pure emotion, themes relevant to the pandemic and mystical, magical, musical exploration spanning across genres, moods and concepts.

“‘Hold me close’ is our third EP release. When we write songs, we are allowing ourselves to be guided by our current state of mind and the way that we are experiencing music, instead of worrying about the final result or sticking into a specific genre.

There is bottomless discovery, storytelling, and enjoyment to be found in exploring and combining new sounds and styles. This has become our mantra over the past releases and this EP is no different.

Additionally, in this EP we wanted to record more organic sounds, where the human element is dominant, and we had the pleasure to collaborate with some amazing musicians that are featured in three of the songs. Owen Smalley, (Guitar) Alex Bramwell (Bass) and Argyris Thomoglou (Drums) have been a breath of fresh air and brought new life to what was born in our home studio.

Although all the songs live in a very similar space, they highlight different musings about what is happening around us. In a year haunted by the pandemic, our emotional state as human beings was changing rapidly from one day to the next. We had the privilege to integrate all our emotions and thoughts, whether they were melancholic or joyful in the lyrics, instrumentation, and trajectory of each song. We hope that the listeners can come on a journey with us, interpret the songs in their own way and give them new meaning.”
Stone Fruit.

Source Olivia Rayner

October 1, 2021 7:56am ET by Olivia Rayner  

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