Promethaleann gets verified on instagram!

And is using it



After a long grind of making music which has garnered thousands of streams, some even millions, doing skits, hosting talent shows, helping the community, creating new trends, and having a huge google presence, promethaleann has been verified on instagram. He has also reported that he has been verified on facebook, and will soon be on tiktok. This creator really has made a huge impact on the community by helping people reach their goals. He encourages people to be themselves and to strive in whatever area they want to strive in. He has some new updates on his website below.


Promethaleann is an American rapper, producer, songwriter, entertainer and athlete.

Brandon Stennis aka Promethaleann, born on March 18, 1997 in E.Saint Louis, has amassed over 1M+ Followers on Tiktok and 100k+ on Instagram. He is working exceptionally hard to reach new heights in the entertainment world. He is also well-known in his home state for boxing and wrestling, and creating music.

The artist is turning his dreams into reality by improving the presence of his record label, PromethaCodeinEnt.

Source ProMediaPR

July 15, 2022 9:00pm ET by ProMediaPR  

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