Freddie For A Week: Hard Rock Cafe Europe Events - Full DetailsOFFICIAL PRESS RELEASENEWS PROVIDED BY Queen Check out what all the Hard Rock Cafe's across Europe have planned for Freddie For A Week! Check out your local restaurant and get on down there for loads of rocking Queen and Freddie fun in aid of The Mercury Phoenix Trust! Photo: The Freddie For A Week Hard Rock Cafe Shake! Amsterdam This year marks the 73rd Birthday of the legendary Freddie Mercury. A true icon, gone but never forgotten & as always. To mark this milestone the Freddie way, we are celebrating Freddie for a week. We have great celebrations all week long and are looking forward to inviting all Freddie fans into our cafe. To kick start the week off in style we will have a special evening for his birthday on the 5th of September. To test your knowledge we will have a fun pub quiz and ‘Name That Tune’ in one quiz with great prizes. Then it’s your turn to shine like Freddie with our Queen Karaoke! The entrance for the quiz will be €2 and you will receive your own Freddie Moustache, so get ready to be Freddie! On the 9th September come and decide which one of our Rock Star employees are the best Freddie lookalikes, if you want to join in on the fun you can also dress up and be Freddie for the evening and get your picture taken at our Freddie photo booth. Get your Freddie on! Are you ready to put on your dancing shoes and dance to the best Queens songs? As we will have a Queen DJ in the cafe on the 12th of September to close off the special Freddie week! From today onwards we will be raising money for the Mercury Phoenix Trust with several items that we will be selling in our Rock Shop. For all the information regarding this amazing week please go to our website. In Freddie’s own words: The show must go on! https:// Antwerp Hard Rock Cafe Antwerp will be celebrating the life and legacy of Freddie Mercury for a whole week! On September 5th we will kick off in true style with a Queen tribute band and a Freddie birthday cake followed by an entire week of Freddie madness including sing alongs, a queen drag show and staff dress up competition! Throughout the entire week we will be selling moustaches and a very special Shake to raise money for the Mercury Phoenix Trust. We will also be teaming up with Sensoa, the local leader in education and prevention of AIDS, to raise as much awareness as we possibly can. Go to our website to get all the info you need - https:// Are you Ready to Freddie?! Athens Join Hard Rock Cafe Athens, as we celebrate the life and music of Freddie Mercury all week starting Thursday September 5th to Thursday September 12th visit us for a unique Freddie Mercury experience. Save the following dates for our events: *Thursday 5th- Queen Tribute Live band from The Jukebox Heroes at 9 pm
Everyday from Thursday September 5th-Thursday September 12th:
$1 from every milkshake sold will be donated
Don’t forget your mustache and reservation! Contact us at 210 3245170 or at .#LegendsOnly https:// Barcelona Hard Rock Cafe Barcelona are very excited to celebrate Freddie Mercury's birthday for a whole week! The band is from Barcelona, and their personal characteristic is that their singer is Kristina, an incredible femenine voice. They have played in the Spanish Fan Club meeting in Barcelona, and they're looking forward to collaborate with us to raise funds for the Mercury Phoenix Trust. During that day, our staff will dress like the unforgettable Freddie. From the 5th to the 12th we will sell our traditional charity mustache, benefitting the Mercury Phoenix Trust Foundation, founded by the members of Queen after Freddie's death to seek a cure for AIDS. During those days, we will have the Freddie's Mustache Shake available. Stay tuned to our Instagram and participate in the promotions that we will have available throughout the week! Berlin ARE YOU READY FOR FREDDIE? This year, Hard Rock Cafe Berlin will be joining the world wide celebrations of what would have been Freddie Mercury’s 73rd Birthday. 2019 will be even bigger & better – with Freddie for a week! From 5th September – 12th September, guests will be able to try our special "Freddie‘s Mustache Milkshake" – boozy or alcohol free. This milkshake will be served with a mustache shaped Brownie. 1$ of each shake sold will benefit the Mercury Phoenix Trust! Get your very own iconic moustache to join the fight of HIV and AIDS and make a statement, available with our team all week long. On 5th September, take your picture with “our own Freddies” as our team will be dressed, join our raffle (powered by Universal Music) – proceeds will also benefit the Mercury Phoenix Trust! Don’t miss Magic of the QUEEN live on stage on September 5th, starting at 8:00 pm (free entrance). In addition, there will be a special "Freddie for a week" - Shirt and limited edition pin to further support the Mercury Phoenix Trust. We are ready for Freddie! Are you? https:// Brussels Are you ready to Freddie? After the success of the past FREDDIE FOR A DAY events, join Hard Rock Cafe Brussels this year, and become for the very first time FREDDIE FOR... A WEEK ! From September 5th to 12th and during a full week, the venue located on The Grand Place (UNESCO World Heritage listed) pays homage to the Legend with a week full of activations, all supporting Mercury Phoenix Trust. During this week, the café will organize multiple events: unique exhibition of a large collection of Queen items, Press conference, Blogger event, Live Tribute to Queen and Freddie Mercury in partnership with local associations and companies such as Prevention Sida, Sensoa, UGC or Royale Union Saint-Gilloise. Some Limited edition Freddie's Mustache Milkshake, Exclusive Pin & t-shirt will also be available at the Rock Shop and of course... the unforgettable Freddie's Mustache will be sold onsite to raise funds for the Mercury Phoenix and the fight against AIDS and HIV. More info about line-up and event, check their website (https:// Cologne Are you ready to celebrate “Freddie For A Week” with our friends from Hard Rock Cafe Cologne? Join us September 5th for our annual ‘Freddie for a day’ celebration where we remember the legendary Freddie Mercury in true Hard Rock style with Live Music from Queen May Rock and a great tombola with the best prices as tickets for the “One Vision of Queen”-Show, ice hockey tickets and many more. The entry fee is 5€ which will be entirely dontated to the Phoenix Mercury Trust. #FFAW Also this year we will have a lot of Freddielicious Specials such as our “Freddie´s Mustache Shake” or a cool Freddie Shirt and Pin in our Rock Shop. A part from the sales will be donated to Phoenix Mercury Trust to support the worldwide fight again HIV. For limited time only. https:// Copenhagen There will be a kind of magic at Hard Rock Cafe Copenhagen on Friday the 6th of September...! Right after the legend Freddie Mercury’s birthday, join the Queen party. DJ Freddie will play greatest hits and gems of the British band from 19:00 until 22:00. The staff will shine in their best tight clothes and fake moustaches to raise funds and awareness for the Mercury Phoenix Trust and the fight against AIDS and HIV. Don’t feel under pressure, and break free with your best Killer Queen mood. Free entry https:// Edinburgh The reason we're successful, darling? My overall charisma, of course. - Freddie Mercury Put on your best Freddie Mercury outfit and join the team at Hard Rock Cafe Edinburgh for a night of Queen music, surrounded by priceless memorabilia and legendary food and cocktails. Live DJ set of Queen classics from 7pm until 9pm. You can also pick up your Freddie moustache at the Hard Rock Cafe Edinburgh for a donation to the Mercury Phoenix Trust. https:// Florence Dear friends in Florence, are you ready to Freddie? This year the Freddie for a day becomes Freddie for a Week, three unmissable events on September 5th, 9th and 12th , exclusive limited edition merchandise, a whole week dedicated to Freddie Mercury & Queen immortal music notes ! On September 5th: KILLER QUEEN, the official Italian Queen tribute band will play live at 10:00 PM, book your table now. On September 9th: BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY – Musical Live Tribute with La Compagnia del Villaggio, live at 10:00 PM, book your table now. On September 12th: DON’T STOP ME NOW - BE OUR FREDDIE FOR A NIGHT! Sing on stage live with our House Band the best Queen songs, live start at 10:00 PM, book your table now. More details on the events could be found here, remember that you can show your support and purchase a Freddie mustache. Proceeds from mustache sales will be donated to The Mercury Phoenix Trust. https:// Glasgow “IN HONOUR OF THE LEGENDARY FREDDIE MERCURY’S 73RD BIRTHDAY JOIN US FOR A HARD ROCK CAFE GLASGOW FIRST... A CRAZY LITTLE THING CALLED DRAG BRUNCH! OUR FIRST EVER FAMILY-FRIENDLY BRUNCH HOSTED BY OUR RESIDENT KILLER QUEEN MISS PONN! AS SHE BRINGS WITH HER PERFORMANCES WITH LOCAL QUEENS, GAMES AND A RAFFLE! IT’S A BRUNCH YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS! BOOK YOUR TICKETS NOW! TICKET PRICES: • ADULTS £15 • CHILDREN £10 TICKET PRICES INCLUDE BREAKFAST. £5 FROM EVERY TICKET WILL GO TO THE MERCURY PHOENIX TRUST. RAFFLE THROUGHOUT EVENT WILL BE £5 PER TICKET WILL ALL PROCEEDS GOING TO THE MERCURY PHOENIX TRUST.” https:// Lisbon From the 5th until the 12th of September Hard Rock Cafe Lisboa will be celebrating Freddie for a Week! Come and join us to celebrate what would have been the 73th Birthday of the Legend Freddie Mercury. Don't miss the live music concert on the 5th of September at 11 pm, with the band ONE VISION - Tribute to Queen. Don't forget to try the Freddie Moustache Milkshake or get one of our limited Tees and Pins. https:// London Staff will be dusting down their catsuits and donning their fake moustaches to become Freddie For A Day on Wednesday 5th September, to raise funds and awareness for the Mercury Phoenix Trust and the fight against AIDS and HIV. Freddie For A Day, is a fundraising initiative of the Mercury Phoenix Trust which encourages friends and fans around the world to spend the day dressed as Freddie Mercury on what would have been the legend’s birthday. Our special party will take place on the 5ht of September and will be located in our Rock Room. It will include an epic Queen soundtrack with a live tribute band ''Monarchy'' performing some of the tracks with delicious food and drink available for purchase along with special Freddie's Moustache Boozy Milkshake! We will be also selling iconic Freddie’s moustaches throughout the day. Do not forget to put on the best Freddie's outfit to take part in the fancy dress competition! Fun night guaranteed! .#FFFD #FreddieForADay #HardRockCafe #FFAW ***Unfortunately as this event happens on our lower ground floor there is no wheelchair access. You need to be 18 to attend this event. *** Link to tickets: https:// Link to the band website: https:// Madrid FREDDIE FOR A WEEK - DISCOVER THE ROCK STAR YOU HAVE WITHIN AND CELEBRATE THE 73 BIRTHDAY OF FREDDIE MERCURY SEPTEMBER 5 - 12 WE CELEBRATE THE WEEK OF THE BIRTHDAY OF FREDDIE COLLECTING FUNDS BENEFITING THE MERCURY PHOENIX TRUST IN THE FIGHT AGAINST AIDS. Come and collaborate with the purchase of the items benefiting The Mercury Phoenix Trust Foundation and participate in the raffle * of a trip for 2 people to Montreux, Switzerland, where you can visit the Queen Studio Experience. Ask your waiter for the details of participation. https:// Manchester Manchester’s Hard Rock Cafe will be celebrating the life and music of Freddie Mercury for a whole week! From the 5th September – 12th September the week will start with a BANG with a Queen tribute band on Freddie’s birthday, as well as glitter stations, staff Freddie costume competitions, cycling challenges and much more throughout the rest of the week! We will also be selling moustaches and a special Freddie shake to raise money for the Mercury Phoenix trust. Take a look at our website for more information - https:// Munich We'll be celebrating “Freddie for a week” in all Hard Rock cafes. From September 5th until 12th, be prepared for activities focused round` Freddie, his legacy and the music of Queen. Highlight of the week will be the Queen-themed DJ night on Tuesday, September 10th. We will raffle items and collect funds for the Trust during the whole week, also through the Sales of the special limited Freddie Shake. We will rock you! Tickets for the DJ night can be purchased via our website or FB (or click here) https:// Nice Are you ready to Freddie? After the success of the past FREDDIE FOR A DAY events, join Hard Rock Cafe Nice this year, and become for the very first time FREDDIE FOR... A WEEK ! From September 5th to 12th and during a full week, the venue located on the famous Promenade des Anglais pays homage to the Legend with a week full of activations, all supporting Mercury Phoenix Trust. KaraoQueen, Queen Music Trivia & DJ Set, Live Tribute to Queen and Freddie Mercury, Raffle and special gifts with Universal Music, Limited edition Freddie's Mustache Milkshake, Exclusive Pin & t-shirt available in the Rock Shop and of course... the unforgettable Freddie's Mustache sold onsite to raise funds for the Mercury Phoenix and the fight against AIDS and HIV. More info about line-up and event, check their website (https:// Paris This year, the Hard Rock Café Paris offers you an exceptional week, 100% Freddie Mercury! From Thursday, September 5th to Thursday, September 12th, be Freddie for a week and support the Mercury Phoenix Trust Foundation for HIV Research with our Freddie For A Week. Fans of Queen !! Come & live a week with two major events on 05 and 10 September! September 5th: Queen's discographic exhibition by private collectors all day in our VIP lounge Queen Karaoke with Lyndsey Rogerson from The "Fatbottomtedgirls" & Acoustic Session from Lyndsey Rogerson. Dress Up Contest with photos & Quizz. Limited edition: Support Mercury Phoenix Trust with our Limited collection items September 10th: In VIP lounge, limited places. Private Session of “Ballet for Life” documentary with Le Ballet Bejar and Queen. With Eagle Rock entertainment and the presence of the Rolling Stone team. On reservation only (limited seats) In progress: Conversations (Skype) with Queen Members. https:// Picadilly Circus (London) Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? At Hard Rock Cafe Piccadilly Circus we will be celebrating Freddie Mercury’s 73rd Birthday! Come and join us between the 5th September - 12th September and try out our exclusive Freddie Milkshake (A £1 donation will be made to the Mercury Phoenix Trust for every Freddie Moustache Milkshake sold during this promotion)! Why not check out Freddie’s exclusive memorabilia in the cafe! https:// Prague ARE YOU READY TO FREDDIE?!? As every year, Hard Rock Cafe Prague pays tribute to Freddie Mercury, this time with an entire week dedicated to the rock icon! Join us for the celebration in honor of Freddie Mercury and his 73rd birthday! On the 5th of September we will be hosting a talkshow of Mr. Peter Freestone, the closest friend and former personal assistant to Freddie Mercury. The talkshow will give the audience a chance to look into personal life of the rock icon. After the talkshow the stage will be taken over by Queenmania, band that focuses on precise rendition of the QUEEN songs, including costumes, vocals and famous Red Special guitar that was used by Brian May during QUEEN concerts. This special evening will be finished by live DJ set by DJ LuiJack who will keep the party going on! The admission will be voluntary - all money will go to the Mercury Phoenix Trust. During whole week (5th of September - 12th of September) we will be selling Freddie’s Moustache Milkshake, special boozy milkshake with chocolate brownie moustache; exclusive limited edition T-Shirt and Pin featuring an iconic image of Freddie Mercury and Freddie Moustache. By purchase of these items you will contribute to the Mercury Phoenix Trust. Come check out Queen related memorabilia, have fun and help raise money for the Mercury Phoenix Trust! Click here for more information. .#HardRockCafe #AreYouReadyToFreddie #LegendsOnly Rome An entire week of celebration to pay tribute to Freddie! From September 5 to 12, our friends at Hard Rock Cafe Rome celebrate with live music shows, a dedicated menu, a Rock Quiz with special prizes and themed plastic-free decoration. As every year, the iconic mustache will be purchasable at the Rock Shop and the proceeds will be donated to the Mercury Phoenix Trust. Save the date and follow the event on Hard Rock Cafe Rome’s official website for more information and upcoming details. Are you ready to Freddie? https:// Seville Hard Rock Cafe Seville will once again celebrate Freddie's Birthday between September 5th and September 12th for Freddie for a Week! They are ready to rock you with a live Queen Tribute, live DJ and movie nights dedicated to legend Freddie Mercury, gone but never forgotten. The staff will be paying the tribute during the week with their finest Freddie gear. Funds and awareness will be raised thought the sale of fake moustaches and special milkshakes created for the occasion. Venice “On September the 5th is the birthday of Freddie Mercury, front man of one of the best music bands in the history and this year he would turn 73! This year we will celebrate for one entire week. On September 5th at 9.30 pm will be on our stage a Queen Tribute Band: TOYS PLANET LIVE During the whole week you can buy the famous Celebrate with us the birthday of the “Queen” of Rock. https:// Vienna On the 5th of September Hard Rock Café Vienna will be celebrating Freddie´s birthday during the whole day. All the staff will be rocking the floors dressed as Freddie s most iconic outfits. There will be a Drag DJ (dressed as Freddie on his “I Want To Break Free” video, he will also perform a lip sync show every hour. During the whole day Queen music will be playing and each guest coming to the Cafe dressed up as Freddie will be invited to a drink.
Source Queen
September 4, 2019 1:05am ET by Pressparty |