Japanese Flower Ceremony For Freddie Mercury



On November 24, Shinko, the publishers of the Japanese edition of 'Freddie Mercury A Life, In His Own Words', held a flower ceremony on Sunday, 24th November in aid of The Mercury Phoenix Trust.

Despite it being a rainy morning, over 100 enthusiastic fans were waiting for approximately two hours outside of the venue, which opened its doors at 11:00am.

Inside the venue fans were allowed to place flowers in a large the flower stand, which included a photo of Freddie, leave written tributes dedicated message boards, purchase Queen items and leave donations for the MPT in the reception.

Japanese author, Mr. Takayuki Ishizumi and flower arrangement artist, Mr. Ryutaro Takahara were at the venue and gave short talks about the history of Queen and Freddie before the gathered audience. Mr. Takahara had also created a special flower arrangement for the event.

Fans enjoyed the ceremony with a mixture of sadness and happiness and stayed to talk about Freddie and Queen between themselves on this very emotional day.

With thanks to Sakurako Takagi (Ms.)

Source Queen

November 27, 2019 6:49am ET by Pressparty  

  Shortlink to this content: http://bit.ly/2ruvdTz


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