Victoria Hoffman Releases Indie Confessional, “Hopeless Love”

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Now based in Nottingham, via the unlikely route of Nigeria and Greece, Victoria Hoffman’s new single, Hopeless Love, is released on 5th April and captures her indie-folk style and confessional lyrics.

Having only started writing songs in 2018, Hopeless Love is her third single and comes ahead of a proposed debut album release in the Summer.

“This is a song about boy who sees girl on a bus and they have an instant connection. They both were in a relationship already, which makes things even more dramatic. They were seeing each other secretly, hoping they won’t get caught – unfortunately, it didn’t last long, the girl had to move away, and a few years later, she is married with kids and she is thinking of what it could have been, hitting that she would like to meet the guy again.”

Having been born in Nigeria, Victoria grew up in Greece before moving to her current home in Nottinghamshire.

Though her family were all based in the field of medicine, she was determined to become a singer songwriter, a choice which whilst met with amusement found more barbed criticism online, where she was criticised for making music in such a wide variety of genres, not what they saw as more fitting for a black musician – R&B or Soul.

These prejudices have only helped to fuel her desire to make the music SHE wants to make, the latest being Hopeless Love.

March 31, 2021 4:16am ET by WeLoveMusic247  

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