Introducing Brocarde: A Journey Through the Paranormal


Opaque Artists

Brocarde’s journey is marked by her extraordinary experiences, including her marriage to a ghost. Her story captivates audiences, inviting them to delve into the mysteries of the afterlife and human connections beyond the physical realm. Additionally, Brocarde is a talented singer and songwriter, adding a creative dimension to her spiritual endeavors.

Brocarde’s travels take her to locations with rich spiritual and ghostly presences, offering firsthand encounters with the supernatural. From sites associated with mass murderers to places steeped in folklore, her adventures provide a glimpse into the mysteries of the unknown.

Through her experiences, Brocarde aims to educate and inform the public about the workings of the medium world. By sharing her insights and real-life encounters, she demystifies misconceptions surrounding the paranormal, fostering a deeper understanding of spiritual phenomenal

Brocarde’s narrative resonates with audiences worldwide, transcending cultural boundaries and sparking curiosity across diverse communities. Her message of acceptance, exploration, and enlightenment transcends borders, inviting individuals from all walks of life to embrace the mysteries of the universe.


Spooky Singer Brocarde shot to fame when she married and divorced the ghost of a Victorian Solider. Once a sceptic, Brocarde’s life was instantly changed when she experienced a haunting so impacting, that she was compelled to believe in ghosts. Her journey with Edwardo (the ghost) lead her down the aisle and swiftly to an exorcist, however her appetite for understanding paranormal activity has not been suppressed. Using her power of perception and ghost whispering abilities, she is embarking on a new adventure and visiting the most haunted locations in the world and reporting her findings. Her new YouTube channel will feature interviews with celebrities and paranormal experts and explore weird and wonderful places and subject matters.

May 17, 2024 10:00am ET by Opaque Artists  

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